About Us

At YKM MEDIA, our mission is to help any job-seeker understand what it takes to find the perfect career, from the student trying to land that first job to the seasoned professional climbing the company ladder.

We’re here to support you every step along the way with resources that will help you find your dream position, write the perfect resume, nail the interview, and more.

We work to create accurate, up-to-date, and engaging content that helps you succeed. Our goal is to create articles, rankings, tools, and other resources that are informed by primary sources, data, and expert guidance.

To report an issue or concern regarding closed captioning on YKM MEDIA programs viewed on television or online, please contact us at ykmmedia.com@gmail.com

Our Advertising Guidelines

We strive to be as transparent as possible about how we make money and from whom we receive compensation. Learn How To Become features school listings and descriptions from our clients. We partner with these schools to provide information about their schools and programs and receive compensation if you sign up for and receive information from our clients. School listings and descriptions from our clients will always be marked with “Sponsored Schools” or similar language to clearly identify promotional material.

We do not independently review the information provided by sponsored schools about their programs or any claims they make about those programs. We also cannot guarantee that any school lists we provide on our website (on programs, majors, geographic area, etc.) are exhaustive.

Learn How To Become also features rankings lists of schools and educational programs. These lists only include accredited, not-for-profit schools and are created using data from sources such as the U.S. Department of Education and The National Center for Education Statistics. Schools will never be able to pay to be part of our rankings and our methodology for creating these rankings will always be clearly listed.