10 Business Ideas for University Students

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Ronald Carreño from Pixabay

Starting a business while pursuing your degree might sound overwhelming. But with the right idea matched to your skills and interests, it can set you up for career success after graduation.

This article explores 10 innovative and doable business ideas for resourceful university students aiming to gain real-world experience and extra income.

List of 10 Business Ideas for Go-Getter Students

  • Tech Support and Computer Repair.
  • Tutoring and Academic Coaching.
  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing.
  • Fitness Training and Coaching.
  • Photography and Videography.
  • Graphic Design Solutions.
  • Voiceover Services.
  • Online Store Management.
  • Residence Assistant/Camp Counselor.
  • Peer Academic Coach.

See more business ideas


You already juggle coursework, exams, research papers, and perhaps a part-time job. Could you add entrepreneur to your resume while still in school? Absolutely! With careful planning, self-discipline, and enthusiasm, this makes for an achievable goal.

The 10 business concepts outlined below pair nicely with the flexibility of student schedules. Best of all, each aligns with the expertise you’re gaining through your area of study.

Kickstart the foundation for an awesome career by launching your enterprise tailored to fellow students. Let the countdown begin for the top 10 business ideas for go-getter university students!

10 Business Ideas for Go-Getter Students

1. Tech Support and Computer Repair

Do you have a knack for fixing gadgets and troubleshooting tech glitches? If so, consider offering mobile tech repair and support services to students with pesky computer problems.

You can travel to dorms and apartments to diagnose issues and perform repairs. Or have customers book timeslots to bring devices into your workspace. Handy tools of the trade? A portable toolkit, backup hard drives, anti-virus software, and more.

This leverages and expands your technical know-how. So it’s a superb fit for IT students or those comfortable tackling software, operating systems, hardware, and networking issues.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
10 Business Ideas for University Students

2. Tutoring and Academic Coaching

Among the top opportunities for university students? Tutoring services catering to your peers. Identify subjects you ace with ease. Then market one-on-one or small group tutoring sessions to classmates seeking to boost grades.

If you’re advanced in niche programs or skills, even better! Think: statistical analysis software, music theory, speed reading/memory techniques, etc. Consider “package deals” around helping students prep for major exams or entrance tests.

This makes an awesome option for education majors looking to gain teaching experience. And for PhD candidates or post-docs wanting to earn extra income.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by thumprchgo from Pixabay

3. Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Do formatting intricacies and persuasive writing come naturally? Then start crafting polished resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and job search correspondence for fellow students.

You can target those applying for internships, graduate/professional programs, or full-time positions. Offer extras like interview coaching, salary negotiation advice, and networking tips effectively.

This leverages strengths in written communications, marketing, and HR – handy for business, communications, or English majors. Consider partnerships with university career centers to reach wider audiences.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Лариса Мозговая from Pixabay

4. Fitness Training and Coaching

Help classmates get fit and healthy! If you’re athletic with exercise physiology or training knowledge, offer personal training or small group boot camp-style classes.

You can lead sessions focused on strength training, HIIT, yoga, Pilates, cardio kickboxing, or sport-specific conditioning. Mobile apps allow virtual one-on-one training and accept payments.

Health sciences, kinesiology, and physical education students: this is for you! Partner with gyms to teach classes or train clients as you build expertise.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Gabin Vallet from Pixabay

5. Photography and Videography

Do you have visual storytelling and imaging chops? Make money documenting special campus events and student milestones!

Offer student groups photography/videography for concerts, festivals, performances, guest lectures, org days, retreats, and more. Individual students may also hire you for graduation/engagement photo shoots and video messages to family.

Leverage gear you use in film, photography and media arts programs. Build a portfolio showcasing your versatility around events, portraits, products, and creative concepts.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

6. Graphic Design Solutions

In the era of smartphones and social networks, photographic images must pop. Help student groups, small businesses, and campus entities enhance visual branding.

Offer graphic design services like logo creation, postcard/brochure layouts, presentation slide decks, and content images for promotional materials. Build website design/management into premium packages.

Perfect for graphic design, communications, marketing, and web development students looking to create eye-catching portfolios.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

7. Voiceover Services

Do you have a golden voice? Make money recording audio clips for speeches, videos, phone systems, narrations, eLearning courses, and more.

Invest in simple home studio gear like audio interfaces, mics, and editing software. Then market your flexible voice acting to local businesses, agencies, and regional institutions.

Awesome side gig for theatre, communications, and broadcasting students. Add versatile vocal samples to your portfolio website highlighting range.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Jessica Lewis from Pixabay

8. Online Store Management

Help student groups, campus entities, and small businesses operate online stores. Offer to create product listings, process orders, handle shipping/returns, manage inventory, and analyze reports.

Use skills from business IT, supply chain/logistics, and marketing programs. Stand out by tailoring services to t-shirt shops, craft sellers, ticket outlets, and gear/gift vendors.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

9. Residence Assistant/Camp Counselor

Want earnings alongside free housing? Apply for paid residence assistant positions through your university’s housing department. You’ll organize activities, advocate for students, and respond to issues – gaining leadership experience highly valued by employers and grad schools.

Similar skills serve well as camp counselors. Top options? Counseling international students during summer/winter breaks. This builds global connections and intercultural fluency – perks for hospitality/tourism majors.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Scott from Pixabay

10. Peer Academic Coach

Schools often hire exceptional students to coach peers on course concepts, study skills, and time management. You meet 1:1 or in groups, helping classmates excel academically. These jobs offer flexible hours, solid pay, and discounts on tuition or housing.

Terrific opportunities to gain teaching experience while building mentorship abilities valued by graduate programs and future employers. Requirements vary by university and field of study. But priority often goes to students with high GPAs and emotional intelligence.

10 Business Ideas for University Students
Image by Mircea Iancu from Pixabay

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions students have about launching businesses while taking classes:

How can I manage both priorities without getting overwhelmed?

  • Carefully block off chunks for each in your calendar app. Treat study/class times as seriously as client meetings.
  • Start small with 5-10 hours weekly so you can gauge workload. Scale up slowly over subsequent semesters.
  • Take advantage of lighter academic periods like summer and winter breaks to grow your business.

What about funding to get my idea off the ground?

  • Apply for innovation grants and startup competitions through your university/local community foundations. Develop solid business plan projections.
  • Crowdfund equipment purchases via platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Offer pre-launch discounts or perks to early supporters.
  • Consider microloans available to qualifying student entrepreneurs or special financing programs targeting young founders.

Is it difficult to attract student clients as a peer service provider?

  • Set competitive (not undervalued) rates backed by demonstrations of your expertise and professionalism. Articulate unique value.
  • Offer limited-time discounts for peer referrals and testimonials. Word-of-mouth buzz builds quickly!
  • Partner creatively with relevant student groups and campus support centers to reach wider audiences.

Can I operate my student business year-round?

  • Establish plans for managing key operations and serving customers 12 months a year. This includes through semester breaks when you’re off-campus.
  • Consider bringing on student partners/employees from different grade levels to maintain continuity when you study abroad or graduate.
  • Set expectations with customers upfront regarding any staffing changes, communication methods, and scheduling during university breaks.


Launching a startup while in university lets you gain hands-on experience and income — while positioning yourself for future career success within an area you’re passionate about.

By identifying business ideas matching your major and expertise, you can build confidence and begin establishing a professional brand tailored to fellow students. Savvy entrepreneurs will also connect with campus resources guiding budgets, legal considerations, marketing, and growth.

While balancing course loads with customers takes self-discipline and effort, the rewards can be tremendous. Not only can you generate income to offset tuition and expenses. But you’ll graduate with career-boosting achievements highlighted on your resume and portfolio.

So rather than just admiring innovators and trailblazers from the sidelines, empower yourself to become one through a purpose-driven student business! Test and refine concepts now to build capabilities that serve your aspirations for decades to come.
